Thursday, 4 October 2012

2D Proposal

Animation Proposal

Working title:   ‘Stick Man Animation’

I am proposing to create a 2D animated short using the medium of cutout animation.  The work will be distributed through web outlets such as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook etc.

This project will be aimed at the target audience of young teenagers as they watch entertaining thing such as Lego animation and -  tell me what other things they watch

The style will be a trailer showing multiple clips that will be part of the episodes to come and they will be random event that will be occurring further on within the future of the series of episodes. Even though the characters will be black in colour the white background will make it seem brighter and it will be comical, as it will have a funny voice over.  -  The style is the visual style and the atmosphere and tone of the piece.

To make this animation I will be using paper or card, making separate pieces of the body of the stickman. I will create the movement through the separate pieces so the movement will be 

To make it run smooth it must be taken with at least 12 frames per second and last along the time of 15 seconds up to the length of around a minute. It will be taken as a flat image due to it being a 2D image animation.

Summary of content - tell me what will happen in the story line.

In the stickman animation there will be a compilation of different sketches. Within the first 10 seconds there will be a fight scene that will be carried on at around 30 seconds. Another sketch will be a take of dirty dancing where Patrick Swayze crumbles underneath the lift of baby and that will be the 2nd sketch. At around 40 seconds until the end I want to show the third sketch, which will consist of a stick kid playing with a ball and making it comical by adding a series of events.  

15 seconds to 1 minute

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