Friday, 9 November 2012

3D storyboard

This is my storyboard for my 3D animation which consists of turtles

Self evaluation camera script

                                              Self evaluation camera script 
  • Throughout the process of the 2D and 3D animation units
  •        Learned about animation the history and development and pioneers and the animation in different forms
  •           Learned different animation methods
  •            Before making the final products of the separate units we were able to test and try making a movie just for the learning process I made a 2D animation consisting of an alien called tony who flies away in his rocket ship.
  •       The 3D animation had a range of animals and a morph style character   
  •       Cut out
  •       Stop motion
  •       Claymation
  •       Flick-book
  •       Learned about clay modeling with which I struggled with at first
  •       Persevered
  •       Learned about post production editing and sound dubbingUsed iMovie to edit my work and added sound effects
  •       Mind mapped ideas
  •       Came up with a story
  •       Write proposals
  •       Created storyboards
  •       Created drawings, models and sets 
  •       created each type of animation
  •       Uploaded to YouTube to display to an audience
  •       Devised feedback questionnaires and tested it on public
  •       Analysed my feedback and evaluated myself
  •  my end of unit evaluation is now on YouTube:

Childrens Encyclopedia

How i created my evaluation

Video Evidence

The usual way of creating an evaluation is to write it up and show the evidence in that way where as i decided to do something differently and so i spoke in front of a camera and i have video evidence of my evaluation

 Rather than writing up my evidence on word art which takes up a lot of time and is a very basic but efficient way of doing an evaluation. It was easier to do this as all i had to do is set up a camera and talk about my feedback on the videos which are on YouTube.

3D animation feedback evaluation:

2D animation feedback evaluation:

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

3D Evaluation


When editing the film on imovie i added a sea style title sequences and it made link in with the underwater theme of the short film. Using this was a good idea as it kept in the theme of the short film. Instead of recording the speech by my own voice using the sounds of morph worked better and so i used that for the talking when it was needed.

The video is now posted on Youtube:

Please can you leave a comment for the feedback on the Youtube video.  Please consider: genre, style, narrative, character, techniques, technical qualities, aesthetic qualities, creative qualities.

Genre is the type of performance  such as horror, advert, children

Style/ Aesthetic qualities is: The emotional values and cognitive meanings derived from interpreting a work of art; the symbolic nature of art.

Narrative is the story so comment if there is a story or say why there isnt

Character is if the characters are relate-able or different in ways within the story.

The techniques are if special effects of transitions are used.

Technical qualities is: The quality of the resource with respect to features such as sound, graphics, ease of navigation, etc.

Creative qualities is: How creative a certain set piece of work is and how imaginative